Sinker Compiler

The Sinker Compiler can be used to amalgamate multiple Sinker DSL files into one file. It can also be used to generate a .def header file that can be included in C++ source code with useful macros and boilerplate code for the Sinker Runtime Library.

The compiler accepts a list of positional input source file paths that will be evaluated in the order the arguments are specified. The -o <amalgamated_file_path> option can be used to specify where the output file should go. If this option is missing, then no .skr file will be output. Finally, the -d <def_file_path> can be used to specify where the .def file should go. If this option is missing, then no .def file will be output.


For the following .skr file

module crackme;
variant crackme, v1_0_0, "deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"
symbol check_flag, "bool(*)(char const * flag)";
tag crackme::check_flag, hook;
address crackme::check_flag, v1_0_0, @0xc0dec0de;

The .def file will contain the following:

#define SINKER_MODULE(module_name)
#define SINKER_SYMBOL(module_name, symbol_name, symbol_type)
#ifndef SINKER_TAG_hook_SYMBOL
#define SINKER_TAG_hook_SYMBOL(module_name, symbol_name, symbol_type)

#ifndef SINKER_crackme_SYMBOL
#define SINKER_crackme_SYMBOL(symbol_name, symbol_type)
#ifndef SINKER_crackme_TAG_hook_SYMBOL
#define SINKER_crackme_TAG_hook_SYMBOL(symbol_name, symbol_type)
SINKER_SYMBOL(crackme, check_flag, bool(*)(char const * flag))
SINKER_TAG_hook_SYMBOL(crackme, check_flag, bool(*)(char const * flag))
SINKER_crackme_SYMBOL(check_flag, bool(*)(char const * flag))
SINKER_crackme_TAG_hook_SYMBOL(check_flag, bool(*)(char const * flag))
#undef SINKER_crackme_TAG_hook_SYMBOL
#undef SINKER_crackme_SYMBOL


and it can be used like the following simple example:

#include <stdio.h>
void print_modules() {
#define SINKER_MODULE(module_name) \
#include "a.def"

void print_symbols() {
#define SINKER_SYMBOL(module_name, symbol_name, symbol_type) \
#include "a.def"

The macros can be redefined and the .def can be included as many times as necessary.